[B]3.3.19[/B] - Added pull request 'Conditional visibility of menu items on home screen based on master mode settings' from mbroemme [B]3.3.18[/B] - Fixed bug on non working 'Hide top left info on windows' and 'Topleft widget on all screens' setting - FileManager always shows floor return buttons. Fixed this. - Fixed Mute icon position (it overlapped the clock). #1960 - Updated "What's New" list to display multiple lines in a textbox with scrollbar #1960 - Fixed positioning for non original confluence seekbar when OSD is displayed - Show large seekbar during fast forward or skipping for non original confluence seekbar with OSD seekbar enabled #1960 - Fixed scrolling through widgets with mouse/ touchscreen. Buttons now always show with mouse enabled, not only when focused on widgets #1960 - Fixed background not showing up when loading widgets #1957 - Fixed custom video info script button appearing on non movies or tvshows #1960 [B]3.3.17[/B] - Updated language files to confluence 3.0.47 - Added 'Get more' button on side blade for addons on MyVideoNav and MyPics (was alread available on MyMusicNax) #1796 - Fixed misplaced plotinfo on pause (with and without artwork and video info on OSD) #1828 - Fixed subtitle dialog alignment mismatch and fixed focus color - Fixed widget not highlighting under TV shows error (GitHub issue and various forum issues). Typo solved thanks to flyingfox66. #1854 - Fixed displaying thumbnails instead of logo's on video widgets and displaying folders instead of thumbnails issues on custom widgets. a.o. #1806, #1812 - Added 'Media Info' view for PVR [B]3.3.16[/B] - Fixed bug on selecting weather settings in MyWeather view - Added confluence update slideshow condition - Updated language changes to confluence 3.0.46 - Fixed default focused menu item on graphics home menu - Fixed not displaying thumbnail for various custom widgets [B]3.3.15[/B] - Changed windowname video to videos for customwidgets #1710 - PVR updates wrt. episode info and removing seondary icon from recordingslist (confluence 3.0.44) - Language updates (confluence 3.0.44) - Fixed overlap in PVRSearch (PM) - Added some nice screenshots (by Zag2me) [B]3.3.14[/B] - Fixed disappeared text for selecting startup playlist - Added media info view to videos (confluence 3.0.41) - Added contributers list to song info (confluence 3.0.41) [B]3.3.13[/B] - Updated SmartPlayListRule #1608 - Added option to enable extra fanart slideshow in VideoNav and MusicNav (Skinsettings - General Settings - Media View settings) #1618 - Added numerical seek display in seekbar #1619 [B]3.3.12[/B] - Removed aspectratio option in user OSD button, as it doesn't work anymore from OSD menu in Krypton #1594 - Changed seeklabel visibility (revert 3.3.8 change as kodi solved seekbar continuously displaying when playing audio) - Updated seekbar for tempo functionality (play speed control) #1594 - Updated seekbar to display paused instead of seeking at pause - Updated seekbar to display play speed instead of fast forward/ reverse at tempo - Changed seekbar label when seeking during paused #1593 [B]3.3.11[/B] - Updated smart playlists #1545 - Removed non working privacy availablilty check (empty button appears on < beta6) - Updated German language (thanks to Karlheinz Graf) - Updated dialog close buttons (thanks to Karlheinz Graf) [B]3.3.10[/B] - Fixed label bug in widgetlayout - Updated to confluence 3.0.39 (Added 'Privacy Policy' to system info, only if available) - Fixed bug in systeminfo button layout - Fixed bug in slider colours - Added option to switch back to default confluence favourites dialog #1487 - Added option to add custom video info (more.. button) #1506 [B]3.3.9[/B] - Updated textures for rating #1427 - Added variable GlobalFanartVar, because it is used by some addons (like libreelec.settings) #1427 [B]3.3.8[/B] - Changed all custom dialogs to DialogSelect style (no pop-in from right anymore, but normal popup from the middle) - Similar for FileBrowser, DialogVideoInfo and DialogMusicInfo - Fixed not showing paused label in seekbar - Fixed seekbar continuously displaying when playing audio - Fixed playing button texture on DialogVideoInfo - Fixed labeling in CustomFontColour_2130 - Fixed labeling in CustonAddonSelection_2119 [B]3.3.7[/B] - Synced with confluence github (only DailogPlayerProcessInfo.xml), 3.0.38 October 28 2016 - Cleanup, removal of obsolete file (IncludesHomeNowPlaying.xml), includes, $VARs etc. - Rigorously cleaned up widget code (removed about 4500 lines of code without removing functionality) - Added functionality to select poster or thumbnail widget format #1320 + #1322 (+ PMs UraFarquad) - Fixed aspect ration for large widgets (even when thumb pictures are viewed in poster format) - Automatically set 'default' widget format during this update - Added widget format selection in skin settings [B]3.3.6[/B] - Fixed bug in displaying non wrap-around main menu (results in empty main menu) #1305 + github #13 - Fixed bug on resume after minimum info pause #1310 - Fixed bug on displaying clock and date on minimul info pause #1313 - Cleanup VideoOSD.xml 3.0.36 (sync with latest confluence October 7 2016) - Didn't sync smart playlist with latest confluence. That doesn't work, so I left it as is - Added more space for displaying system info in DailogPlayerProcessInfo.xml as CPU usage wasn't displayed completely [B]3.3.5[/B] - Synchronized with confluence 3.0.36 September 24 2016 (e.g. PVR_Guide updates, codec info updates, library menu, remove changelog, 0.8-1.5x play speed, etc) - Removed old window names - Fixed slider issue on video and music OSD #1245/ #1262 - Changed correct filenames for extended info script - Changed correct fanart for extended info script - Added accidentally removed strings 31941 and 31942 - Added missing Default*.png and OverlayUnwatched.png textures - Removed old library lists from home menu (generated warnings) - added updates to convert playlist settings to new window naming - Changed close window button color - Changed DialogButtonMenu colors to theme colors - Changed Subtitle and stereoscopic dialog colors to theme colors - Removed double artwork on streaming media OSD - Split 'Enable video codec info on pause' and 'Enable video codec info on OSD menu' On skin settings OSD menu - Some changes and updates in language files - Updated picture OSD as there is no codec info for pictures anymore (Normal info is used now) - Added option to change dialog look and feel to classic (default), modern and max (for maximum contrast) to modernize the skin a bit - Added icons to main menu items and option to change in skin settings - Added option to use icons/ graphics on main menu and settings menu (like zeitgeist or estuary) to modernize the skin a bit [B]3.3.4[/B] - Added german language translation (thank to Rainman) - Changed xbmc.gui to 5.12.0 in order to be compatible with Krypton Alpha 2 releases and beyond. (Note that this release won't work on Alpha 1 to earlier releases, you will get a dependencies not met error) [B]3.3.3[/B] - Fixed typo in includes.xml regarding tvtunes script #1152 - Fixed error in fanart script #1150 [B]3.3.2[/B] - Fixed addon browser window - Fixed appearance of addon button in case addons disabled or uninstalled #1124 [B]3.3.1[/B] - Fixed dependencies [B]3.3.0[/B] - Updated 720p for Krypton - Updated Xonfluence to latest confluence version - Updated and cleanup of Textures for Krypton - Updated and cleanup of Language files for Krypton - Implemented skinning API changes - Added option to disable PVR in view, as PVR cannot be disabled anymore and a user would not like to remove the menu items. - Removed old/ unused XML files - Thorough code cleanup - Recompiled XBT with latest version of texturepacker to be compatible with krypton [B]3.2.13[/B] - Removed duplicate audio title #1046 [B]3.2.12[/B] - Updated language files [B]3.2.11[/B] - Added DVD-drive to main menu options - Only show DVD-drive when disc loaded - Added option to change the intro video to a user specific one (disabling the intro video and enabling again switches back to default) - Added option to add custom widgets from favourites (easier than writing down a complete line of text) - Added option to reload the skin after changing parameters (should save the parameters, so may help users suffering skin settings) #960 - Cleanup code - Added option to increase the number of custom widgets (only custom widgets, video nodes and PnP) #977 [B]3.2.10[/B] - Moved Page Count info on the Weather screen to prevent overlap with Home/Back/Volume floor buttons. #841 - Updated images for sideblade label #863 - First focus to home button when entering floor buttons #883 [B]3.2.9[/B] - Updated german translation - Update sideblade label #791 - Watch trailer in movies context menu #803/ #808 [B]3.2.8[/B] - Fixed typo on home floor transparency #721 - Fixed OSD buttons position on LiveTV and Radio - Removed UPnP error when no UPnP is enabled #721 - Removed GetDirectory error for empty VideoNodes and CustomWidgets (not all errors can be solved because of widgets timing, you have to live with them) #721 - Removed 'can't find window peripherals' error - Fixed border size error in skinsettings when setting home transparency - Added customized sideblade label size and position option #730 [B]3.2.7[/B] - Fixed typo on home floor transparency [B]3.2.6[/B] - Fixed default displayed meny item #651 - Fixed default displayed menu item with TV/ radio enabled - Added arrows to main submenu items when scollable #623 - Fixed extended info script for Xonfluence skin - Removed extended info from TVshows info cause the contents doesn't make sense #622 - Updated autocomplete with plugin.program.autocompletion instead of script.extendedinfo - Added transparency settings for homefloor (only 50%) #623 - Updated german lnguage files (thanks to hawkeyexp) [B]3.2.5[/B] - Fixed home stats bug when drive is unavailable #589 - Updated fonts to fix cut off of text #614 - Fixed Channel name and number not showing correctly when playing Live TV #601 - Fixed non working now playing buttons when search button is at bottom position #615 - Fixed OSD button position when playing DVD #602 - Added nodes option in skinsettings - submenu for music, movies, tvshows and concerts [B]3.2.4[/B] - Fixed image position in file browser #555 - Fixed OSD issue while playing DVDs #560 - Fixed RRS feeds (and next 5 songs scroller) position #541 - Fixed next aired in video navigation #553 - Added transparency to clock and date label #541 - Added option to show seconds on clock label #541 [B]3.2.3[/B] - Fixed MusicOSD recording bug (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=258799) - Updated with latest confluence jarvis changes (Added RDS info) - Added user button texture for OSD - Fixed alignment of subtitles submenu on video OSD #521 - Added transparency to home floor #519 - Fixed content panel bug on PVR windows - Fixed too short flagging panel in Media Info 3 view #525 - Removed 0 stats in videos and drive if unavailable #513 [B]3.2.2[/B] - Remove the dash before the displayed picture date if no date can be found #417 - Wide view: restore number-of-items-per-page to 10 instead of 8 when no label selected #416 - Fixed negated hide label for wide ange view #416 - Updated wide view layout with label (now 8 complete items are displayed,and selected text is displayed correctly) - Fixed position of chapter count on full screen video when mouse input enabled - Synced with latest changes on confluence jarvis - Moved extended progressbar a little bit to the left to prevent possible overlap - Added 3 extra mainmenu item options and 3 extra submenu item options for better configurability - Solved bug for displaying logo for R-rated movies #471 - Solved bug in "User videoOSD button" that never displayed on the video OSD #463 - Added record button for stream if dreamcather addon installed for video and audio #464 - Added possiblility to display user video osd button in music OSD and adding a user command to this button #488 - Added possibility to hide skin settings by setting 'HideSkinSettings'. This setting can only be set in the XML-file. - Added an option to move Global Search to the bottom (next to Favorites and Shutdown) #432 - Fixed bug in extrathumbs slideshow in Media Info and Media Info 3 view #441 [B]3.2.1[/B] - Fixed bug in system submenu editing items #359 - Added Events to default system submenu - Implemented conditional visibility on TV and Radio on main menu (do not display if no channels available) - Added option to show clock in video full screen #363 - Fixed bug in skinsettings changing backgrounds - Added possibility for live weather content as single global background #366 - Fixed bug in home screen addons - Added option for transparency selection for home screen #385 - Fixed non working transparency settings on weather and settings views - Added option for larger selection border #384 - Added large widgets for weather widgets [B]3.2.0[/B] - Updated 720p for Jarvis - Updated Textures for Jarvis - Updated Language files for Jarvis - Updated colors - Implemented different OSD color (confluence like) #288 - Updated position of home stats bar (if no global search is installed) #277 - Added Library mode switch for music (like videos) as its functionality disappeared in Jarvis - Changed overlapping dialog positions on OSDs when mouse is used - Updated Centralized Fanart folders - Added option for multi-image timer #251 - Added option for navigating to background images in alternative image folder #238 - Updated skinsettings menu (in groups) #188 - Do not jump alternate pause icon if thumbnail is disabled #244 - Changed implementation of default focused menu item (to solve issues on some systems) #321 - Changed conditions on overlapping artwork on OSD #327 - Added option to hide addon names on home screen #262 - Added option to switch off audio logos in OSD - Updated picture OSD - Disappearing home screen arrow buttons when not focused for all home screen widgets #319 - Added option to hide text label in Wide view #276 - Added xonfluence skin for script.extendedinfo and added button to videoinfo - Open PVRSideBlade on guide grid view when pressing info button - Added possibility to add Custom widgets by entering the complete plugin item #339 (2nd emample) e.g. Skin settings/Home menu items/Widget set/Custom widgets/ enter the new label: plugin://plugin.video.genesis/?action=movies&url=popular [B]3.1.6[/B] - Align buttons correctly in OSD when no video artwork enabled #195 - Align correctly when using stats-bar - Added option for streaming navigator menu (can be navigated through .strm files from separate folder or video library) - Added option to resart kodi instead of reboot when pressing reboot - Added autocomplete option on keyboards when script.extendedinfo is installed #232 - Added music artist info from script.extendedinfo - Added actor info from script.extendedinfo when pressing 'back' [B]3.1.5[/B] - Changed entering sidebar for picture full wall view to up/down #159 - Show slide index on a paused slideshow #159 - Add daten taken to pictures list view #159 - Move clock on close window button if mouse enabled #162, #172 - Show slide info on picture OSD - removed unneeded '[' on various places #171, #173 - Removed strange appearance of Clearart dailog #180 - Cleanup and keyboard/ numpad according to confluence 2.8.0 (Thanks to msduketown) - Added option to have graphical textures on keyboards [B]3.1.4[/B] - Fixed incorrect position of pause button in 'not' original popup seekbar #150 - Added option for minimal (better sorted) dialogpicture info #19 - Added option for notifications window in top left #148 - Implemented picture OSD #19 - Added music controls to picture OSD if music is playing #19 - Added script to copy keymap additions for picture OSD (with notification to restart) [B]3.1.3[/B] - Recording, no overlay when isresumable (2 pictures can be displayed on top of each other otherwise), same for video file views - Cleaned up backgrounds to save some space - Updated wide angle file view - Added fallback image on various views - Keep default background on home screen when music is playing and no visualisation is selected - Moved FloorReturnButtons to floor buttons heading in skin settings - Added option to minimize instead of quit kodi by pressing exit button #87 - Added option to display plot info on info screen - Added option to hide favorites button #101 - Added option to hide top left info on windows (except home window) #101 - Added option to hide page count info #101 - Updated background image selection, open file browser in correct path and do not reset current image on cancel - Updated Slideshow paused logo #19 - Removed unneeded '[' on picture thumbnails #19 - Added Full Wall View for Pictures #19 - Added date-time taken on biglist view for pictures #19 [B]3.1.2[/B] - Reverted back button behavior, as most users (including myself) didn't like it. - Changed library mode/ file mode implementation - Implemented updater if videos window - Merged msduketown's pullrequest on silly record buttons and DVD logos - Scrolling setting with autoscroll in PVR views and PVR Views Guide - NextPVR preferences dialog updated (Cannot test myself) #74 - Added audio buttons on FloorReturnButtons (for touch) #37 - Added audio buttons on OSD - Re-aligned pagecount labels with added buttons - Changed onload behavior of pictures window (hopefully prevents crashing on some windows systems) (pull request on github) - Changed 'blue' random play button on music osd to normal not focussed color #47 - Make focused color of keyboards white for better contrast (pull request on github) - Top left icon on all screens instead on screen name (option in skinsettings) #45/ #54 - Realigned clock and date on OSD displays - Hide CommonPageCount when NowPlaying is active (fields may overlap otherwise) - Updated textures and synced with confluence - Added Zix theme [B]3.1.1[/B] - MPAA rating fix for Australia (#16) - Added views for PVR: Big List (ed76s mod) and Preview List - Changed pages position in PVR, no overlapping with buttons anymore - Added accessibility of floor return buttons with remote control - Cleanup of obsolete files - Added Library mode/ File mode option for videos - Pictures window always opens in pictures folder now (overruled bug) - Go back to home when pressing back button in file views (to prevent running back through a lot of folders). Not changed in addon-views - Added watched status for all views unfocused (#12) - Added option for visibility of floor return buttons - Enable Now Playing info now works on all screens (#24) - Removed FanartExtraThumbnails for now, as it is not stable for all addons (#36) [B]3.1.0[/B] - Starting point from ccm-helix 3.0.15: Continue numbering from here - Made compatible with isengard (updated from isengard version of confluence) - Adapted shutdown settings (extra selectable possilities) - Added possibility to use custom shutdown scripts (e.g. for use with service.hts.pvrmanager) - Corrected visiblility of exit button in VideoOSD - Change toast position to bottom right. No overlapping with logo or weather anymore. - Updated language file (en_gb), rest to be generated. - Removed sideblade when return from guide (go completely left to show sideblade) - Slightly modified VideoOSD view